Tuesday, June 29, 2010

chapter two; first day on the job.

Steph's POV
The sun was streaming through my window. It was another crisp day in December. The city was beautiful with the snow laying across it. I got out of bed and took a 15 minute warm shower. I did my usual routine; make-up, brushing my teeth and having breakfast but I decided to curl my hair today instead of just throwing it up. It took about another to do that then I got dressed. I through on my favourite pair of jeans, a white tank top with a black cardigan over top of it. I slipped on my black uggs and drove over to the arena. I parked my car in the player filled parking lot and prepared myself for the first full day of work. There was a game tonight and I was going to be here all day with training and practicing, but I didn't mind, I was more then thrilled to have this job. I grabbed my purse and grabbed my pair of black stilettos for inside, even though I'd be mostly in bare-feet. I walked through the doors and headed to my office, but I was stopped at my door.
"Hello there," I was greeted by a medium height male, with dark brown hair and a little bit of scruff around his face.
"I'm Max Talbot. Uh, my back seems to be in aching pain, I was wondering if you could--"
"Max.. your only a superstar on the ice" It was Sid, my eyes fixed on him and he beamed his right back at me.
"Wow Sid, way to kill the mood" Max threw at him.
"What mood?" I laughed.
"Me-ow, you've got yourself an attitude.. I like it" Max smiled as he walked away.
"Sorry about him" Sid laughed.
"It's fine, he's quite the character."
I went back to my office, then went out an watched the boys practice. They didn't take them selves to seriously. They liked to have fun out there, but when game time came.. they were a whole new team. They were playing the New York Rangers, Geno scored the first two goals and got his hat trick in the third. Letang nailed Del Zotto into the boards, with him not returning which shot a spark threw the crowd and ignited them even more. The final score was 5-1 Pens, Talbot and Staal each with another goal on top of Geno's hatty. I went back into my office and gathered my things to head home.
"Steph?" I heard a knock on my door, it was Sid.
"Hey Sid, come in"
"I wanted to ask you something"
"Do you want to go out to dinner with me tomorrow, after practice.. it's gonna run late."
"I'd love to," I smiled.
"Great! So I'll just pick you up before practice so then we only have one car to deal with this time." He joked.
"Sounds good, I'll see you tomorrow." With that I grabbed my purse and handed Sid a piece of paper with my address on it, then Sid stopped me before I could leave out the door and pulled me into a hug. It was unexpected but I took it. He was freshly showered so his skin was warm and he smelled like American Eagle cologne. We both pulled back, I looked up at him and smiled.
"See you tomorrow" He said and with that I went home.
Sid's POV
It was practice day today, the last one before the Christmas break. I wasn't really sure why coach wanted a practice when there wasn't going to be a game until after holidays but who knows with him. I showered then got dressed and headed over to Steph's apartment. I was more than excited to see her, the guys didn't know about my little crush on her -well it wasn't so little- I wasn't sure how her and I could have a relationship with us both being involved with the team, but I was willing to put everything into if it turned out to be one. I pulled up outside the front doors of her condo and there she was, with that curly hair, waiting by the doors.
"Hey" she smiled, as I stepped out of the car.
"Hey, ready to go?" I asked, opening the door.
"Always" her eyes met, god she was pretty.
I closed the door and drove us down the arena. We did our usually routines, she got her stuff organized in her office, I got dressed into my gear then she came and watched us practice. Practice ran until 7, Steph and I got our things together then headed out to the restaurant.
"You sure this place isn't too expensive, I mean--"
"It's fine, they have really good ribs" I winked.
"I'm guessing that what your going to have?" She asked.
"Hell ya"
We ordered our, I had the ribs and Steph ordered a peppercorn steak.
"Your the most clean rib eater I have ever met" She said.
"I'm really not, after a few beers it gets pretty messy."
"Oh really?" She laughed.
"Waiter.." I yelled, "Two beers, Canadian."
We sat at our table taking back beer after beer when finally Steph called it quits. We called a cab and laughed the whole way home.
"Are you coming?" I asked reaching my hand towards her while stepping out of the cab.
"I have to go home.."
"Stay here for the night."
"If you insist." She took my hand and I paid for the fare. I lead her upstairs, and gave her a Reebok t-shirt to wear to bed. She sat down on my bed while I went to the bathroom to change. I sat down beside her, she had her hair up in a ponytail by now but it was still really curly.
"I had a really nice time tonight, Sid" she smiled. I didn't say a word, I leaned in a kissed her. My hand gripped the side of her face and she rested hers on my leg. I didn't want the kiss to end, but it did. "Goodnight, Sid" Steph said smiling, then kissed me again. We both slid into bed and went to sleep. It was a good night.